Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Kestrel Racing Weather Station

I've been using this "Kestrel 4250 Racing Weather and Environmental Meter" a few years and its really good. Now Kestrel has a holiday special with Free Shipping (in the US I guess) until end of December (2013). Good Deal! :)

Use promo code: SHIP4FREE at check out.

Friday, November 29, 2013

KEP's T2-21 @ 115% scale

I've received lots of requests and questions of providing a freebie drawing of the KEP's "44" that I'm currently developing... I appreciate the interest from all of you but the R&D of that rigger will take at least one or two more seasons before I'm satisfied with it. We still need to test it in tough weather conditions also as the 2013 race season provided us with "too good" weather/water conditions. Then I have not decided yet if I'm going to release it as a freebie either. It's not like I have a mission to release all my designs for free all the time...

There are a few guys that have already scaled the existing T2-21 up and made their own "45" version. I havent heard anything about how they have succeeded with their builds though.

Do note, that I have not scaled up the prototype T2-44 that I'm running myself - that is drawn from scratch to the size and shape I wanted and it will get some new re-designed parts built this winter also.

So for all of you that still wants to give it a try I can give you a ballpark percentage of how much to enlarge the existing T2-21 to work decent with a 45 on board. The number that comes closest as a compromise is 115%. Start with that and I think it you have a decent scaled up 21>45.

Note also that you need to keep the ride-pads and ski exchangeable as your prototype will need to be adjusted to ride good I'm sure...

Please let me know how that works for you! :)

Mark Sholund .45 Props


These are the two props Ive been running on my prototype KEP's T2-44 rigger during the 2013 season. The one I have like the best is the 1657 (but in 2013 we have not developed the props & engine combo at all). All of my props are done by Mark Sholund @ Props-4-U -> Link.

Octura 1657 / Profiled / 56 dia / 4.09" C.O.B. Picth / 4.29" T.E. Cup

Octura 1655 / Profiled / 53.4 dia / 3.8" C.O.B. Pitch / 3.95" T.E. Cup

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

5 Years and Counting...

Today it's the 5:th year anniversary of this blog!

  • Pageviews total: 390.000
  • Pageviews per day since day one: 213+
  • Pageviews per day the last year: 350+
  • Pageviews yesterday: 451

Pageviews by Country (since day one):
  • USA: 87052
  • Sweden: 37032
  • Germany: 26562
  • France: 16747
  • Japan: 15163
  • Italy: 12769
  • Russia: 11464
  • Australia: 11041
  • United Kingdom: 6916
  • Thailand: 5530

Stick around for five more years...!? :)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Påminnelse Hydroträff!

Glöm ej att anmäla er till årets Hydroträff den 30 November 2013 i Enköping (anmäl er senast den 24/11-2013)!

Klicka HÄR!

Anmälningstiden har nu gått ut och det är 18 pers anmälda till Hydromötet! :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

PDF File Downloads

As some of you have noticed I have moved the site where I host the the boat drawing PDF's. They are now hosted at my Google Drive page (as I have my picture galleries on Google+ also it make sense).

When you now click on a file link to be downloaded you come to a Google Drive page as you can see on the sample screen shot here above.

On that page if you want to download the original PDF - Click the symbol for Download highlighted with a red circle. Save the PDF on a USB stick or similar and go to your favorite print-shop to have them printed in 1:1 scale.

If you plan to save the pdf's on a USB stick etc it's best to do the downloads on a normal stationary computer as some mobile devices aren't handling pdf's that well.

Have a nice weekend! :)


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

FSR-H & OTA Höstmöte & Hydroträff

  • Datum: Lördagen den 30 November 2013.
  • Tid: 10.00 - med samling 9.30 (efter mötets avslutande - Lunch & Hydroträff tills vi storknar)
  • Kostnad: 135:- (lunch, sallad, bröd och mineralvatten / lättöl). Medtag jämna pengar!
  • Anmälan: - Senast Söndagen den 24 November! Obs, anmälan är bindande pga av beställning av lunch catering!
LÄNK till den första hydro Kick-Off'en som vi arrangerade 2012. Det här blir i princip samma sak fast med lunch catering samt ett officiellt möte innan.

Medtag gärna egna hydrobåtar och projekt!


Ladda hem som PDF.

Visa större karta

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

UK KEP's T2 .21 videos

Videos from the UK Hydro 3.5 heatracing world champ 2014 qualifying in Elmbridge courtesy of LM Racing. KEP's T2 .21's in action. :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The UK KEP's T2-21 trio is complete

Finally the final two (of 3) of the new UK built KEP's T2-21's by the dynamic racing trio that is called LM Racing UK has hit the testing drink! ;)

LM Racing Web.

Leon Morgan - OS powered KEP's T2-21.

Phill Fields - A/A .21 powered KEP's T2-21.

Martin Fields - NR powered KEP's T2-21.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

TOP KEEP 21-M DD (By Novarossi)

The new TOP KEEP .21-M DD in-line marine direct drive engine (from Novarossi) is here! At this point the first batch of production engines are arriving to the dealers. Novarossi have used the same technology solution as they did on the TO-BE .46DD engine. As in, basically using an outboard power head with a new secondary "slave" crankshaft and flywheel assembly where it earlier would have been bolted to the outboard lower unit.
  • Capacity: 3.50ccm 
  • Bore: 15.88 mm
  • Stroke: 17.60 mm
  • Sleeve: 9 ports 
  • Crankshaft: 14.5 mm
  • Front ball bearing: Steel
  • Rear ball bearing: Ceramic
  • Glow Plug: Turbo C8TGH

The conrod is made from superlight & superstrong alluminium to make the lightest and strongest possible conrod to withstand the abuse of a racing engine.

The sleeve has 9 transfer ports and an exhaust with booster ports. The special shape and positioning of the ports, covered by a patent, improve the internal fluid-dynamics to obtain the maximum possible performance.

This is a special Crankshaft. Made to meet even the highest standards of our most demanding drivers. Slightly reduced rotational mass and greatly improved fuel flow provide great performance.