Since 2007, Me Time Productions Inc have been covering quite a few of the US RC boat races. They started with making DVD's out of them but now you can also sign up for a bargain 25 USD for a 12 month premium membership (paid through Paypal) to get streaming live coverage of RC boat racing! After the race they archive the live feed broadcast and make it viewable 24-7 on their servers so you can look at them afterwards... Sweet.
For those of you that also like (or dislike but like to know how to make one) to build your own fuel cells they also made an "friday night" special in February with Mike "Grimracer" Zaborowski where he showed how to build a tin-sheet metal fuel cell. The 25 bucks is worth that film if you ask me...
This weekend (now) they are showing the 2010 World Tunnel Champs in Charleston, South Carolina - LIVE. Support a good cause and sign up now!
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