I have uploaded the JAE .21G2 pdf's now. Click the links to the bottom of each picture below. The turnfin drawings are included in the "2of4" pdf also but it can be handy to also have it separately so one can print it out on a normal laser printer at 100% - that at least how I do my turnfins.
Do note you can also download the earlier JAE .12G drawings and the new JAE .21G2 drawings from Zippkits.com website.
As earlier mentioned ZippKits.com will make an CNC kit of the JAE .21G2 rigger. They plan to have it ready early December (this year). I do believe they have a waiting list for the first production run - send Joe @ sales@zippkits.com an email!
ZippKits manual for the kit version - HERE.
ZippKits.com will also have an hardware kit for the JAE .21G2 available quite soon. That will include a strut, rudder (with water pick-up) and motor mounts.

Click for 1 of 4 PDF.

Click for 2 of 4 PDF.

Click for 3 of 4 PDF.

Click for 4 of 4 PDF.