I'm back from the yearly toy and hobby show in Nürnberg Germany, but now with a cold... The show booth look I made turned out pretty good. :)

Ive seen this prototype car from reports from other car-shows this winter. It was located in the train hall!? It's a design study of how an 2010 Trabant car could look like if it was made today. Its way cool if you ask me. Sorry to say if wont be produced though.

In the Tamiya booth they had an full-sized Sand Scorcher lookalike VW buggy. The Sand Scorcher was my first RC car!

The new look of Brawn GP, sorry... I mean Mercedes F1. The paint job finish is flat! It must be a pain in the a** to do. The paint has a "weathering" look also... Hope they stick with it. Me like.

As usuall there's not that much new and exiting RC boats at the "messe". We brought with us two new RTR FE boats from Dragon Hobby though and showed them in our booth. This is the internals in the new brushless competition Shark 600EP Mono-1 RTR boat. Mono-1 is a NAVIGA competition class with 2S liPo packs. It has a channel on the left that makes it self-recovering if it flips over. Nicers.

Here's the internals of the new Microcat 650EP RTR from Dragon Hobby. Power comes from a water cooled 50A brushless system and a 3S Li-Po pack (battery not included).

Bye, bye, see you next year at the show.