This day (tuesday) it fell about 40-50 cm (1.5 ft) of snow. Picture from our apartment at Haus Margit.

There was plenty of snow when we arrived and it fell even more when we where there... :)

Going down the lift is NO fun...

Melinda Håkansson - 7 years and with dog ear add-ons on her helmet. :)

The second day I fell and DNF'ed... I went to the local doc the day after and they XRAY'ed my right knee. No bones are broken... But no more skiing this year. :(

They will send me to an MRI scan later this week now when Im back in Uppsala to check exactly what is "broken". The orthopedist today said it was one of the ligaments that is broken and also maybe a miniscus injury... I will be back in the slopes next year though! :)

It was actually here I broke my knee - coming out of the woods middle/top left...

How about this guy. Alpine skiis and a huge prop rig on his back. He had kids hiking on for a ride... It was plenty fast!

None of these mountain is for skiing - the slopes are to the far right ->

Haus Margit where we stayed at.

I'm just back from a week of downhill skiing in Austria... Well, I hurt my knee so I just made it through the first two days... crap.
I was there third year in a row and its a small village called Alpbach and its in the Tyrol alps.
Alpbach link
Nice pictures! To bad you hurt your knee though. But i guess there'll be plenty of snow next season aswell =)
Thanks Olle, but I got 2 days of nice skiing before I broke it though. Yeph, plenty of time also toe get well before next downhill season starts... :)
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