Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Patrick's FE Kep's version

Patrick Yurkanin from Oregon USA has made his own FE (Fast Electric) version of my Kep's 21 Freebie (Nitro) drawing.

If you have just joined me on this blog and dont know about the Kep's 21 Freebie - click here.

Patrick made his "FE" Freebie with a slightly higher tub so he could fit is 6S 5000mAh Li-Po batteries, Feigao 11x1 brushless motor and a Himodel 125 watercooled and waterproofed ESC. He will be using a Octura X640 to begin with. The tub just needs couple coats of clearcote and Patrick is ready to go.

To be continued... :)

Link to his forum thread (you need to register).

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